How is it used?
The CET provides student scholarships, operating capital, and gifts for special needs related to UBCS and its students.
How can I give?
1) Current Gifts: These are gifts that are given and received now. Examples of current gifts include:
- Cash
- Checks
- Stocks
- Bonds
- Real estate
- Personal property
- Artwork
- Collectibles
- Books
- Tax-free gifts from IRA Accounts (Qualified Charitable Distributions)
- Memorial gifts
2) Planned Giving/Deferred Gifts/Legacy Gifts: These are generally larger gifts that make use of financial, legal, and tax planning strategies during a donor’s lifetime or at death as part of an overall financial plan to produce results beneficial to all parties. Examples of Planned/Deferred/Legacy Gifts include:
- Bequests through wills or trusts
- Life insurance/annuities
- Gifts of appreciated assets
- Retirement accounts
- Real estate
- Donor-advised funds
- More structured gifts
We treat any contact or inquiry with complete confidentiality and professionalism. We do not offer financial, tax, or legal advice but pledge to work together with you and your trusted advisors to best accomplish your planned giving objectives in perpetuating your legacy.
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